martes, 22 de febrero de 2011

Animals Groups_Amphibians

  • Amphibians are cold blooded.

  • They spend part of their live under the  water and part of their live on land.
  • They lay jelly-covered eggs in the water.
  • Baby amphibians live in water and breathe with gill.

  • An amphibian skin is moist

  • They vertebrates because the have backbones.

  • They have four legs, two of which can be used for jumping (frog, toad).

  • Some amphibians have four legs and one tail (newts, salamanders)

  • Amphibians that live in cold climates hibernate during the winter.

  • Some amphibians dig deep burrows to stay moist.

  • A toad con puff  itself up to look larger than it really is.

  • There is a frog that is as small as a dime.

  • There is a frog that is as bigger as a football.

Animals Groups_Mammals.

  • They are the most inteligent creatures on the world.
  • They learn to adapt to many different climates

  • There are tame and wild mammals.
  • They have got fur or hair.

  • The babies drink milk from their mother´s bodies.

  • They have got four limbs (arms, legs, flippers).

  • They are warm-blooded animals.

  • Most mammals grow inside their mothers and born alive.

  • They breathe air through lungs.

martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

Animals Groups_Birds

  • The birds have got feathers.
  • all the birds have got two legs and wings.

  • Birds have a beak.

  • They lay eggs.The young hacht from the egg.

  • They are warm-blooded.

  • Birds breathe faster than mammals and body are warmer.

  • Birds give us meat and eggs.(chicken,turkey...)

  • Some of them are good pets(parrot,canary...)

  • The birds of prey can eat some mammals.Birds also eat little reptiles,insects,other birds and some fishes.

  • They have got hollow bones filled with air.It help them to fly.

  • There are bird that migrate.They fly to the south to escape the cold winters.

sábado, 12 de febrero de 2011

Animals groups_reptiles

  • They have dry and scaly skin.

  • They have short legs or no legs at all.

  • They breathe with lungs.

  • Reptiles are vertebrates because they have backbones.

  • Most reptiles hatch from eggs but not all do. Many snakes have live babies.

  • Many reptiles have claws on their feet.

  • Reptiles that live in cold climates hibernate in winter.

  • Most reptiles shed their skin as they grow.

  • Reptiles are all cold blooded animals.when it is  cold their bodies and blood become clod.And when it is hot their bodies and blood become warm.